We are finally getting some glorious rain. We had about a quarter of an inch around the first of July and then a little a week or so before. In other words, not enough. Less than an inch in over a month is just not enough.

We have over an inch so far this morning.

Everybody needs a little drink.

This morning, while I was on the front porch swinging hoping more rain was on the way, Skylar started growling. I looked up and so this dog in the front yard. He soon went on his way. A few minutes later it started to rain. I looked out in the pasture and this dog was chasing one of my chickens. Never fear; my running and yelling scared him off.

Little hummingbirds are really greedy little suckers. Can you see the one in the crepe myrtle? He is guarding the feeder.

And this one sneaks up and is feeding from the back side. I know, it is really hard to see them.