Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lost Little Dog

This little Sheltie is lost. She has been seen around here for about a week. She is still in good shape. I caught her yesterday at my cousin's house and brought her here. This is her in the yard this afternoon. I'm not sure which one was more afraid of the other one.
This is her on Skylar's bed. I feel so sorry for her. She is a older dog because looking at her teeth is has some tarter on the back and looks like she is missing some front. It is hard for me to believe that someone just dumped her because of the age and because of her weight after a week of being lost. I have arranged for an ad in the paper and after Thanksgiving I will check with all the vet's and take her in to see if she has a chip. I hope I can find her owner.


Callie Brady said...

Lucky that you found her and are taking care of her. I have heard that people are dumping their dogs because they lose their house, job, etc., and can't afford to feed or keep their dogs. Sad. This little girl will have a Happy Thanksgiving thanks to you. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Sapphire said...

i'm glad she found you (:
happy thanksgiving

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We sure hope you find the lost little pups owners. Hopefully they want her and didn't abandon her..
She is thankful for you right now..
Happy Turkey day..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

WCTs said...

Happy Turkey Bird day to all!!



Cat with a Garden said...

Oh my, she's a very cute woofie. So nice of you to take her in and search her owners. Good luck!