Thursday, November 19, 2009

Growing Koi

I tried to get some good pictures of my Koi to show how they have grown. I didn't do so good.
I think I am going to disconnect the spitter for the winter and then maybe I can get better pictures.


Sapphire said...

ah, lovely Koi. i'll probably get a pond when we move to a bigger house, and big yard for Sapphire (and more 'Sapphires' hopefully!) to run!

*dream* (:

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

They are really pretty.
We used to have koi too. Mom gave them to Uncle Bill. Most of them are almost a foot and a 1/2 long.. He says he can now walk out the door and yell fishy fishy and they all come to the top for their dinner..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Cat with a Garden said...

Fischies are especially hard to photograph. We have two Shubunkin Goldfischies in a tank and mom rarely manages to get a decent picture.
Those Kois do look big!