Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Walk Down Pea Ridge Road

I have been looking at clouds and rain for about a week now; so, I decided I would just post some pictures I made while on a walk. The first picture is of a honeysuckle vine in bloom. They smell wonderful. I didn't notice it at the time, but Skylar was sitting there. She is probably telling me to hurry up and let's go. I think the one with the little purple looking flowers is a Chinaberry Tree. I think. Then I took one of a privet blooming and clover. I also got a shot of a few dewberrys. I believe I can almost taste a cobbler. No need to drop by just yet; I haven't even picked any.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were so talented with a camera. Your photos should remind us all of the beauty in our midst, which we all too often overlook in our haste to go about our tasks.

Miss Lizzy said...

Great pictures!! I especially like the one of the blooming clover -- looks like a magazine photo. I can almost taste your cobbler too....I'm getting homesick for Pea Ridge! Our internet it back up -- turns out it was the alarm system -- it wasn't properly filtered whatever that means. Now I have to call Brinks and have them fix it. It's off line now so we have decent internet service. Technology is great, but managing it -- not so great! We all LOVED the photo you sent of the tornado and lightning; I emailed it to Scott b/c I knew he would like it. BB thought it was cool too!