Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Little Chickies

My little girls are growing up. They are now a month old. Two are on the care, although it is hard to see them.

The little brown Americana looks like one of my big Americanas; squatty. Like short legs or something.


This is my Wisteria. It looks like someone took the loppers and cut off some limbs. A bug or worm is doing this. Anyone know?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Working on the Fish Pond

Yesterday I noticed that very little water was flowing from the smaller pond, so I pulled the pump out and cleaned the filler. I had not cleaned it all winter. This morning it wasn't flowing at all.

Okay, I run to Lowe's and buy me a new pump; get it all changed over and set up, plugged in, nothing. Oh yea! So then I take the tubing and flush it out with the water hose. Bingo. Working fine. My brother ask "Don't you know the tubing is the first thing you check?" "No!"

No problem, I just use the new pump to get my little frog spewer (if that is what you call it) going. As it turns out that pump was okay also. Since I hadn't used it during the winter, any algae, or whatever it was blocking it, had dried up. Now it's working. Oscar came to visit today and he enjoyed getting to bark at the fish again. The fish just think that is a calling to come eat. I'll just save the new pump for when one of these does die.

Yesterday my little baby girls came out of their cage and and stayed a long time. It did get to seventy-six degrees here.

I threw a little hen scratch out for the babies; they are diving in. It is going to be around thirty-two tonight and tomorrow night. They should be alright with the heat lamp and the tarp surrounding the cage.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

We Made It

This morning it got down to twenty-four. Really Brrrr. I went out about eight this morning and my flowers were laying down.

They just couldn't help it. It was too cold.

 It didn't seem to bother this type.

Even Chili went with me this morning to put a little hay out for the horses. She usually won't go. What made her decide to on one of the coldest mornings; just don't know.

But look at this; they are perking back up. I couldn't believe everything looks okay.

Then, early afternoon, the baby chicks went to their outside home for the first time. They loved scratching around in dirt. The low tonight is suppose to be only around forty.

Busy, busy.

Got a little sunshine creeping in.

This isn't a very good picture, but this is a honey bee on the Bradford Pear tree blooms.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


The high today is about forty-eight and the low tonight is suppose to be around twenty-seven. My shrubbery and trees are blooming and leafing out and boom; start all over.

My spirea has lots of flower buds. I don't know it it will kill them or not. we'll see.

I have been enjoying the pretty colors. The high for Monday is going to be around seventy-five. Weird, huh.