Addie Cat is a sneaky little thing. When I'm going in or out the door, she slips in. I didn't even notice her at first. She at least got on the bed I hadn't put the clean sheets on yet. Because she is so old, when weather is too extreme, I let her come in the house. It's not extreme now, but she thinks she will just trot in for awhile. I will have to get a litter box for her this winter. I'm hoping we have a good cold one. She just had breakfast and then she will clean up a little. I guess you can see what bad shape my Bradford Pear is in. It has the disease and I don't think it is going to make. What a shame.
He is just looking for a comfy spot to nap.. So cute, eat and clean...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Mom had a great trip. Short but she got to spend time with her Vancouver friend. She even got to go have dinner with her and meet her husband and kiddo..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
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