Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Strange Plant

This first picture is not very good, but it is a picture of a raccoon track. I was walking through the woods with Skylar and in the very back where I usually find good stuff is where I found this.

The strange plant (it's strange because I don't know what it is) is growing all over back by the branch. In the center of the plant you can see a leaf growing out of something that looks tubular on a stem. This next picture is a close up of it. Does anyone know what it is.

And of course, I have to get a shot of Skylar. She is good enough to go with me.

Can you see it? If I didn't know it was there, I don't know if I would see it. It's a terrapin. He even has his head out. I tried to get a closer shot with my IPhone, but I was trying to hurry and blurred it.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh lady it a turtle ...BOL...we see you Skylar
Benny & Lily

Jen said...

Cool Plant... hope you find out what it is.

Miss Lizzy said...

Those little terrapins really blend in! Have you ever seen the water turtles in Mom's pond? I always try to get pics but I can never get close enough before they duck under the water. Mom's coming over tomorrow and we are very excited!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Mom thinks it might be a Jack-in-the-pulpet? Of course she is not expert..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie