A week ago today, my little Welsummer biddies arrived. The post office called me at 6:20am, so I ran up and picked them up. They are so cute. Bless their hearts, it's been a long trip. They were born on Aug. 06, so they were on their last leg.
This is right after I got home with them. I put extra water so they all you yum up. Sorry to say two didn't make it. Then my friend bought three and I gave my sister four for her upcoming birthday.
So, now I have six. They are really growing and doing good. I had just cleaned their cage and put new pine straw in. This one Biddie looks more like a rooster to me. I hope he isn't, but there it is. What can you do.
I also pick grass and put it in their cage. They love it! I 'll put them in the outside cage Saturday, hopefully. I've got some work to do yet.
Has it really been since May 31st that I blogged? Pitiful.